
The International Certification for Respeakers is an international body run by the Galician Observatory for Media Access, an independent research group hosted at the University of Vigo (Spain). Our mission is to set and maintain high international standards in the respeaking profession to enable the existence of a pool of respeakers who can provide high-quality access through subtitles for live TV programmes and live events.

Panel of Experts

Director of the Galician Observatory for Media Accessibility
Gion Linder
Chair of European Broadcasting Union, CEO of Swiss TXT
Aline Remael
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Carlo Eugeni
University of Milan, Italy
Andrew Lambourne
University of Leeds Becket, UK, former CEO of Screen
Sylvain Caschelin
University of Strasbourg, France
Lukasz Dutka
University of Warsaw, Poland

Certification Process

Respeakers will normally be expected by their employers to obtain one of the following certifications at least once every 3 years, starting at Level 1:

Level 1 Certification


  • three genres: news, sports, entertainment/chat shows
  • 1 10-minute sample per genre
  • one live attempt
  • assessed with the NER model by two evaluators
  • must obtain at least 3 stars out of 5 in 2 genres and 2 stars out of 5 in 1.
Education and Live Events

  • three genres: classroom, conference, Q&A
  • 1 10-minute sample per genre
  • one live attempt
  • assessed with the NER model by two evaluators
  • must obtain at least 3 stars out of 5 in 2 genres and 2 stars out of 5 in 1.
  • Unsuccessful candidates may re-register to take the test as many times as needed.

Level 2 Certification


  • three genres: news, sports, entertainment/chat shows
  • 1 10-minute sample per genre
  • one live attempt
  • assessed with the NER model by two evaluators
  • must obtain at least 3 stars out of 5 in 1 genres and 4 stars out of 5 in 2.
Education and Live Events

  • three genres: classroom, conference, Q&A
  • 1 10-minute sample per genre
  • one live attempt
  • assessed with the NER model by two evaluators
  • must obtain at least 3 stars out of 5 in 1 genre and 4 stars out of 5 in 2.
  • Unsuccessful candidates may re-register to take the test as many times as needed.

Level 3 Certification


  • three genres: news, sports, entertainment/chat shows
  • 1 10-minute sample per genre
  • one live attempt
  • assessed with the NER model by two evaluators
  • must obtain 4 stars in all genres.
Education and Live Events

  • three genres: classroom, conference, Q&A
  • 1 10-minute sample per genre
  • one live attempt
  • assessed with the NER model by two evaluators
  • must obtain 4 stars in all genres.
  • Unsuccessful candidates may re-register to take the test as many times as needed.
  • For successful candidates, 12 months must have elapsed between each successful attempt.

Requirements for Evaluators

  • They must become accredited NER evaluators, which involves completing successful NER assessments of live subtitles in one news programme, one sports programme, one entertainment programme/chat show, one class, one conference and one Q&A session.
  • Respeaking experience will be highly valued

Quality Assurance

Strict quality assurance processes will be put in place in order to guarantee the fairness of the accreditation process. This will include annual audits conducted by independent parties and continuous monitoring by the panel of experts.

Universidade de VigoXunta de GaliciaMinisterio de EconomíaEuropean Union

Universidade de Vigo Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución | Despacho Newton 5 | Campus de Vigo As Lagoas | Ctra. de Marcosende | 36310 Vigo (España)
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