Media interpreting

Media Interpreting is at the core of GALMA’s objectives, particularly interpreting that takes place in audiovisual settings (TV, radio and online AV platforms).

Media Interpreting can be defined as a context-driven interpreting practice in which the communicative ethos of the broadcaster, the production conditions and the inherent features of the medium shape the interpretation in terms of modality (consecutive, dialogue, simultaneous), interpreting broadcast output (live, recorded, edited, etc.) and the actual contents that require interpreting. This leads to a broad range of practices and policies within broadcasting institutions that make media interpreting a highly complex field of study. Traditionally, media interpreting research focused on the features of media interpreting and the profile of the media interpreter, mostly reflecting on quality and with a rather narrow focus on TV. More recent research has tried to follow a bottom-up, mixed methods approach which takes into account the multiple stakeholders involved in media production in order to investigate production conditions, interactions on and off the camera/microphone and diverging practices. However, to date, there is no comprehensive record of hiring processes, working conditions, budgetary allocations and decision-making processes around interpreting in media broadcasts. Yet this research is necessary to engage with the issues that can arise in day-to-day practice and, most importantly, to create approaches that take into account all aspects of interpreting in media production.

Last but not least, media interpreting and accessibility are intrinsically linked as both are key for enabling understanding not only between the active participants in the broadcast event but also for the audience. However, this aspect of accessibility through media interpreting has usually been confined to sign language interpreting. Part of GALMA’s objectives is to make broadcasters aware of the added value of incorporating interpreting into their accessibility practices and making it part of a more inclusive strategy that sees multilingualism in the media as the norm rather than the exception.

Universidade de VigoXunta de GaliciaMinisterio de EconomíaEuropean Union

Universidade de Vigo Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución | Despacho Newton 5 | Campus de Vigo As Lagoas | Ctra. de Marcosende | 36310 Vigo (España)
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